The Best time to launch an UberEats Clone app is now and Here’s Why?
Author Business, Company Updates, Delivery App Development, Food Delivery App Development, On Demand Apps, Technology, UberEats Clone
With a major chunk of the world under restriction, clinging on to their homes, heading out on the street to grab that favorite slice of pizza seems to be a momentous task, at least in the foreseeable future. The food lovers, widely known under the aficionado ‘foodies,’ have found themselves in a sweet spot. The heading out tradition has bowed out to welcome a lifestyle that’s comfortable with food delivery. This shift in mindset has stormed the demand levels for food delivery apps worldwide, and it’s estimated 57% rise in customer base (source: testimonies the claim.
It is very reasonable given that the social distancing norms have overwhelmed the restaurant and dine-ins not available, scores of the population have turned towards on-demand food delivery applications to quench their cravings during the covid19 induced lockdown. From a business perspective, experts opine that there was never the best time to plunge into the on-demand food delivery business on the lines of UberEats Clone. Let’s qualitatively analyze the hypothesis and present the verdict.
The surge in Demands:
The premises asserting the rise in usage of food delivery apps take their base from the incoming reports of a historical surge in demand for these apps. It is worth noting that there has been a massive 160% increase in orders of UberEats in the UK alone ( and a 54% rise in orders in the USA (source: despite the raging pandemic. It is interesting to observe that while other traditional ‘profit racketeering’ industries like Cab-hailing, Fashion, electronics, cosmetics, and personal care have reported a slashing decline in gross revenue, the food-delivery industry seems rejuvenated with more companies entering the foray.
Reasons behind the UK sweep:
The quality sensitive UK market is distinguished by its ability to rise to the occasion that serves a plethora of varying customer preferences and persona. UberEats’ General Manager Toussaint Wattinne dubbed the increment of demand is due to the fact that online ordering has become ‘part and parcel of brits.’ He is undoubtedly not mistaken as UberEats has become an essential part of sorts. The UK wing of UberEats made a potentially game-changing initiative when it collaborated with hyperlocal markets and grocery chains and delivered the much-needed grocery supply, including meat, milk, and eggs. The superlative increase in demand for grocery delivery made sure that UberEats like Apps are never idle. In addition to grocery delivery, the hike in demand for beverages with over 150% increase in sales (source: made the delivery giant collaborate with brands like Black Sheep and Caffe Nero.
Strategies Adapted by UberEats:
With escalating demand comes extraordinary pressure on the delivery firm. To have a routing grasp on the success of UberEats in the UK, it is mandatory to deduce the behind-the-scenes strategy promoting the ascension. The main lever of this propulsion has been UberEats’ decision to enter the online grocery market that racked up about $5 Billion worldwide. This has sharpened the company’s claws and leveraged the opportunities. Uber has also got rid of the delivery fee, and the strategically important decision was fruitful as it opened the floodgates of order spike. The restaurants, too, adopted a competitive pricing strategy that is coherent with the app’s value proposition.
Why is it the Best time to launch an UberEats clone?
Hearts validate changes. The current change of heart of the global community romanticizes On-demand food delivery apps, which is evident in the increase of market share and revenue globally. All these factors, coupled with the insane level of profit this particular industry offers, make UberEatsClone apps very attractive propositions. Knowing that it is the best time to start an On-demand app-based business, the best thing you can do is find a professional mobile app development firm that spills real value with a great depth of expertise in developing clone apps. Appdupe is undoubtedly your best bet in developing your UberEats clone app that is astonishingly identical with the original UberEats app yet with a mesmerizing superimposition of freshness.
Ready to launch your UberEats Clone today? Request a proposal.

Marketing is my soul mate and writing is my side kick. Using my writing skills to share the knowledge of app development and upcoming technologies.